Pilonidal sinus treatment without surgery
A pilonidal sinus (PNS) is a small hole or tunnel in the skin, usually in the cleft at the top of the buttocks. It may get filled with fluid or pus, thereby causing the formation of a cyst or abscess
While the exact cause remains unknown, it is widely accepted that pilonidal cysts occur due to hair and debris accumulating in the skin’s pores.
The high-risk factors for pilonidal cysts include being male, overweight, entering puberty, a sedentary lifestyle, thick body hair, and even family history.
At Chaudhary Hospital, we are well equipped in dealing with pilonidal cyst treatment and recognizing the signs for it. We provide pilonidal sinus surgery as well as pilonidal sinus treatment without surgery.
- Pilonidal cyst treatment for cyst development
- Pilonidal cyst treatment without surgery
- Redness or swelling near the buttocks
- Pus drainage
Why Choose Chaudhary Hospital For Pilonidal sinus treatment
Led by Dr. Singh, our team of proctologists provides treatments after carefully considering the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, diet, and activity levels. We aim at providing holistic health care treatments and not just symptomatic treatment.
For PNS treatment, we offer pilonidal abscess surgery through the following procedures
Incision And Drainage
Incision And Drainage
The cyst is drained by making a tiny cut
The entire cyst and the tissues around it are removed.
Chaudhary hospital has a stalwart commitment to providing the best healthcare solutions for pilonidal sinus at an affordable rate.